…and what are its benefits?
Tuina Massage w/Acupuncture
A: Tuina is one of the modalities and fundamental pillars within Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It uses different strokes, passive movements, and pressure to stimulate the flow of energy in the body. When we have blockages, whether it be muscular, emotional, digestive, etc, our bodies are unable to function properly. By stimulating different areas of the body through different forms of touch, the practitioner will work to bring your body back into balance.
Tuina can include both light touch as well as vigorous movements, depending on the patients’ needs.
The Benefits
of Tuina Massage
Research shows Tuina Massage can have a profound effect on your health! Here are some of the top ways it can help:
1. Boosts Circulation
2. Eases Neck Pain
3. Relieves Back Pain
4. Helps with Depression: Early research shows tuina massage could be helpful for those struggling with depression
5. Supports Breastfeeding
6. Treats Arthritis: If arthritis is causing stiff, achy joints, studies have found it improves your mobility
7. Eases Carpal Tunnel: Tuina massage may offer some relief from the numbness and tingling
8. Addresses Muscle Issues: Got an injury, strain, or chronic muscle problems? Tuina massage can help treat painful conditions involving your muscles, tendons or joints.
9. Benefits Diabetic Feet: For people with diabetes, tuina combined with a foot soak works wonders for minor foot problems in the early stages.
10. Supports Cancer Patients: When paired with acupuncture, tuina massage can helps ease pain, fatigue, nausea and more.