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Held: Breathwork Experience

  • 101-250 Carlaw Avenue Toronto Canada (map)

Before we were born we were held gently and delicately in the the warm womb of our mothers body. Our first experiences of life we were never alone, we were together, we were held and contained. The body has deep visceral imprinting around the feeling of being held and knowing that in that place we are safe from harm.

We cannot soften our hearts or dive into the watery waves of emotion and flowing energy within us without knowing and feeling deeply that we are held.

It's common these days to feel quite numb and flat. As the intensity rises in our world and there is more to feel oftentimes the only way we know to get through is to dial down the feeling. This isn’t bad. It’s self protective and needed. And yet, our lives still call us to bring our energy, our hearts, our love and attention to them. We still need to be able to feel, to function, to move, to activate, to connect. And for that, a connection to our heart is required. A tenderness. A softening.

This month's breathwork will hold the intention of holding you. Come and be held. Held by the breath. Sound. The community. And let what's in your heart speak and be heard. It’s so important, especially now.

90 min | $40

March 23

Self Talk Series